Welcome to our Rock Hunt website! We have hidden brightly painted rocks around the school grounds for you to find and collect. Our rocks come in a variety of colors and designs, making each one a unique treasure waiting to be discovered.

Participants only have to find the hidden rocks, and there are no special requirements to join in the fun. Whether you're a student at the school or a resident of Princeton, NJ, this is a great way to get outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery while searching for these colorful treasures.

We invite you to explore the area around Riverside School and see how many rocks you can find. Share your discoveries with us on instagram, using our designated hashtag #pincrocks, and don't forget to check back regularly for updates on new rocks added to the hunt.

This is a fun and simple activity for people of all ages, so grab your friends and family and join us for the Riverside School Rock Hunt! Thanks to @licrocks for the inspiration!